Information demonstrating the connection between mercury toxicity and autism is overwhelming. Yet the struggle continues to convince much of the medical community. AMESPA physicians hold the key to unlocking the secret room of autistic children.
The following videos are short but each speaks volumes. Watch them and be convinced. Watch them and see yourself able to offer real help to families and patients. Become an AMESPA physician and watch your practice and professional reputation grow on the experiences of your patients.

"Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done."

                                                                                                                      Louis D. Brandeis
  Please wait for video to load                                                                  1856-1941, American Judge

CBS World News Report -What really is the issue? This news clip will give you the details as to the '"supposed" controversy and what really is going on.

Hunter H. -10 years old from South Carolina
Started treatment January 2004.
Dx: Autism & PDD.
Before Tx: Limited speech, poor cognition.
Prognosis: EXCELLENT

Shin Nicholas U. -5 yr old from Tokyo, Japan
Started treatment: September 2004
Dx: Autism.

Before Tx: Limited speech, full spectrum.
Prognosis: EXCELLENT

Dominic C. -6 year old from Bejing, China
Started treatment February 2005
Dx: Severe Autism.
Before Tx: No expressive language, full spectrum.
Prognosis: EXCELLENT

Austin M. - 5 year old from Central Texas
Started treatment September 2005
Dx: Autism & Libers Congenital Amaurosis.

Before Tx: Blind since age 3, near onset of autism,
no expressive language, full spectrum.
Prognosis: EXCELLENT

Jamie F. - 11.5 year old from New Jersey, US.
Started treatment August 2005
Dx: Autism & Adrenal Hyperplasia.
Before Tx: Very limited spontaneous speech revolving around needs, highly self absorbed & avoidant behavior.
Prognosis: EXCELLENT

Abie's Congressional Testimony -The congressional testimony of the youngest formal witness in front of the U.S. Congress. It will also show you what prompted Dr. Buttar to go down this path.



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