Wallace F. Chang MD, MBA - Family Practice and Age Management
Kashi Rai , MD - Family Practice, Integrative Medicine
James F. Murphy Jr., DO - Family Practice, Neuromuscular Medicine
Anam Kour , MD - Orthopedic Surgery, Hand Reconstruction
Muneer Imam, MD - Internal Medicine, Pulmonology, Critical Care
Anju I. Usman , MD - Family Practice, emphasis on developmentally delayed children
Stephanie Warner, MD, PhD - Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine
John Parks Trowbridge MD, FACAM - Urology, Integrative Medicine
Dianne Farley-Jones, MD - Family Practice
Eddie Zant, MD - Anesthesiology, Hyperbaric Medicine
Brian N. Vonk, MD - Cardiology, Interventional Radiology
James M. Holbert, Jr., MD, PhD, MBA, FACP, FACCP, FSCCM, FASCP, FCAP, FRSH - Hematology, Oncology
John Cline, MD, BSc - Family Practice, Integrative Medicine
Michael R. Bernui, DO - Family Practice
Kwok Hung, MD - Family Practice

I have been involved with setting up large clinics as well as various hospital structures, extending the full spectrum from the business aspect to the clinical practice of medicine. This fantastic 4 day course attended by my staff and I was packed with great clinical information and revealed a unique business model. I found the material to be highly "intense" and well worth the price if you are serious about learning how Dr. Buttar achieves his clinical outcomes and if you are interested in implementing his protocols into your practice. My expectations for the course were exceeded by the end of the first day. Wallace F. Chang MD, MBA
Specialty - Family Practice and Age Management
Location - Vancouver , British Columbia , Canada
As an integrative medical practitioner for over five years, I have used supplements and IV therapies extensively to treat patients. However, upon hearing Dr. Buttar's presentation on cancer treatment at ACAM in the fall of 2004 and his subsequent autism treatment presentation, I knew I wanted to use his protocols to more efficiently and successfully treat my patients with immune dysfunctions and neurological deficits.
I attended the AMESPA meeting in January 2005. The effectiveness of the treatment of cardiovascular disease was amazing. The progression of improvement of immune markers in cancer patients was stunning. Inclusion of the administrative and nursing staff in the course made the rapid implementation of these powerful therapies possible upon returning home.
Dr. Rashid Buttar is a brilliant, inspiring, and passionate medical practice visionary. He has a tireless energy of implementation. He is aware of both the treatment modality and business requirements of cutting edge medicine. This training course is ideally suited for those physicians seeking to embark and continue their affiliation with Dr. Buttar and CAMPA.
I am grateful to become a member of CAMPA. I appreciate the opportunity to discuss and compare the efficacy of medical treatments, i.e. "practice pearls". The presentation of business management guidelines as well makes this course and organization truly unique. Finally, I am inexpressively grateful for the new friends and colleagues I have met already. This format promotes genuine sharing. I am looking forward to growing, sharing, and implementing more.
Kashi Rai , MD
Specialty - Family Practice, Integrative Medicine
Location - New Orleans , LA

Dear Dr. Buttar, After attending the first AMESPA training I am excited about the possibilities for this organization. The vision is grand; to be a driving force for major changes in the health care industry; to create a worldwide network of integrative physicians who function both collectively and independently; to be an ongoing resource of effective clinical information by allowing physicians to share what works with each other; and to help ensure the financial success of its members through its marketing tools.
AMESPA, like any organization, will require participation. Unlike other organizations however, AMESPA has created the means and tools by which the people/patients drive its vision by empowering them with the information and understanding of what is needed to regain and maintain health. Once the people understand the problem they will naturally seek out the AMESPA trained, CAMPA doctors with the answers. I'm looking forward to the many opportunities ahead for everyone involved.
James F. Murphy Jr., DO
Specialty - Family Practice, Neuromuscular Medicine
Location - Omaha , NE

Dear Dr. Buttar, On January 20 - 23, 2005 I witnessed the birth of AMESPA, the brain child and fruit of your years of dedicated hard work. It was indeed a privilege and an honor to attend the AMESPA seminar that you had single-handedly designed and conducted.
I have been in medicine the past 25 years - in the capacity as a primary care physician, as a specialist orthopedic surgeon, as an academician as well as an executive in the business and management of medicine. From this broad prospective, I realize the potential and the value of what your principles and philosophy; and what AMESPA means to the patients, the physicians and the community at large. The science and practice of medicine is set to go to the next level. Bringing back an optimum physiological function of the cells makes the body "unfriendly" to diseases. The optimized body can now take care of itself and fight the major killers in our society - cancer, cardiovascular diseases and neurodegenerative disease.
The business of medicine is correspondingly going to change to reflect the new management principles in sick care and wellness maintenance. The vehicle to enact these changes, nation-wide and internationally, would be through an organization like AMESPA - a collation of high caliber, dedicated and like-minded physicians who are committed to a physiology-based and results-based approach to health and diseases.
I am grateful for the gifts you had given the few of us on January 20-23, 2005 and will continue to give us in the months and years to come. It is left to us to connect with the source, to practice the new medicine, and continually learn and gather data. I will want to attend the AMESPA seminar again.
I look forward to be with you in mind and spirit always. My love and regards to your staff that I had the opportunity to meet and share the days at Myrtle Beach . They are your soldiers and your angels. God Bless.
Anam Kour , MD
Specialty - Orthopedic Surgery, Hand Reconstruction
Location - Vancouver , British Columbia , Canada

There has been a tremendous impact in the outcome of the treatment of patients by implementing Dr. Buttar's protocols in my practice. The IRR injections have proven to significantly enhance the vital capacity of a great number of patients with severe COPD and Asthma, as manifested by their pulmonary function tests. The detoxification therapies of heavy metals have enabled me to improve the quality of life in individuals with multiple chronic medical problems. With the help of Dr. Buttar's protocols, I was able to reduce the amount of medications in the patients with severe cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases. Dr. Buttar's protocol for autistic children has a great promise to revolutionize therapy and help us understand the fundamental pathology of this complicated metabolic process. I am extremely excited with the possibilities in the coming future. Muneer Imam, MD
Specialty - Internal Medicine, Pulmonology, Critical Care
Location - Center Moriches , NY
Regarding: The AMESPA conference, Myrtle Beach January 2005 From: Anju Usman , MD and True Health Medical Center Staff
Dr. Buttar and his staff provided us with a cutting edge conference that was:
A ll about expanding treatment options for your patients whom other doctors have given up on.
M ore than what I expected. Implementing just one of Dr. Buttar's numerous protocols can improve your patient's outcomes.
E verything that your practice has the potential to be.
S pecifically about changing the way you practice medicine to make it more satisfying to you and your patients.
P ractical, positive and empowering.
A motivating experience calling us forth to take action and make a change in the way healthcare is provided to the chronically ill.
Anju I. Usman , MD
Specialty - Family Practice, emphasis on developmentally delayed children
Location - Naperville , IL
Thanks, Rashid, for communicating valuable knowledge that has assisted me in the last phase of my attempts to understand the etiology of illness and how to treat patients in an effective and humane manner without causing harm. Thank you also for sharing the energy of your spirit, which was even more beneficial than the actual medical knowledge.
I can honestly say that I have never felt so "at home" as I did in your course-surrounded by dedicated and insightful physicians willing to sacrifice not only considerable time and energy, but also willing to endure the criticism of other physicians in order to alleviate pain and suffering in the world. The course participants exemplified every desirable trait that our culture ascribes to physicians: compassion for patients, a passion for knowledge and the desire to make the world a better place than they found it.
I discovered the joy of experiencing true collegiality at your course. I feel it is directly because of your course that I was able to examine my personal life and relationships in a new way. I was finally able to commit to my fiancé of almost eight years. We got married two weeks later, and he will also be my partner in the medical practice I have been planning for so long-a truly joint venture.
So, for all my fellow physicians who know in their hearts that "there has got to be a better way" here is the good news: there is a better way. You owe it to yourself, your patients, and your loved ones to experience the insights offered in this course.
Stephanie Warner, MD, PhD
Specialty - Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine
Location - Henderson , NV

Dear Rashid, People are talking. Everywhere. And eyes are turning your way.
They're talking about how great your idea is, to join together hundreds of like-minded physicians and biological dentists as Centers for Advanced Medicine, located across the country and eventually around the world. And I'm proud to have been invited to your AMESPA training conference and to join your association.
Almost 10 years ago, when I was lecturing at the Advanced Training Seminar for Heavy Metal Toxicology, I had the pleasure of meeting you. I recall the excitement in your eyes, the interest in your voice. What we offered to you was a new perspective - certainly different from your training in surgery and emergency medicine! - and "you took the ball and ran with it." Now, you've had the opportunity to see the excitement in my eyes and the interest in my voice!
You certainly recall that I had told you about 4 years ago that I would support your efforts in any way to "spread the word" about advanced technologies to help desperately ill people to recovery their health. As you know, in the past two dozen-plus years that I've been offering these special treatments, I've been frustrated by the stern responses from my hospital staff and, later, from the State Medical Board. I've had my time of "carrying the torch," and I'm thrilled to have a younger generation - and especially someone as brilliant as you - to keep all of us moving forward.
Your AMESPA training seminar this past week did a wonderful job of sharing the underlying principles and critical concepts in advanced medicine. Your exhaustive syllabi and detailed PowerPoint presentations give testimony to the scientific underpinnings of this advanced medicine. I have gone home with the feeling that the time was all too short - and looking expectantly for our next time to be together to share and learn.
Thank you, my friend, for your monumental effort to "pull it all together," so that we can have a group of like-minded and similarly-practicing physicians and dentists who can help shape the future of healthcare - rather than simply illness-care - in the 21 st century. Your success in your own clinical office gives convincing evidence to the value of sharing these technologies, so that hundreds more practitioners can help hundreds of thousands more people to enjoy their lives more fully. Thank you for being a friend, not only to me but to all of these people whose lives you'll touch through our hands.
I am hopeful that the leading practitioners of conventional medicine will turn an inquiring mind in our direction and will choose to learn how the study of physiology and pathology can provide answers beyond simply more drugs and more surgery. When enough people begin demanding true solutions to their problems, more and more physicians and dentists will be gently persuaded to deliver on their promise to heal without doing harm. You are helping us to pave the path for them!
John Parks Trowbridge MD, FACAM
Specialty - Urology, Integrative Medicine
Location - Humble, TX
Dear Dr. Buttar:
I wanted to write and tell you how much my staff and I enjoyed the recent days spent at Myrtle Beach learning about AMESPA and the Centers for Advanced Medicine. I was very impressed with the extent of your vision and wholeheartedly join you in the desire to make these healing therapies accepted nationwide. I am enthusiastically working toward implementing new procedures into my practice in preparation for having my clinic designated a Center for Advanced Medicine. My very first day back in the office I administered the IRR injections to an asthmatic patient and watched her oximetry go from 83-86% pre-injection to 90-93% immediately after. She was amazed.
I believe the most valuable effect of the course was in producing a cohesive vision among the doctors in attendance, while outlining discrete therapies which will be more effective than the pharmaceutical model with which most of our colleagues are saddled. I believe it is essential that we do have this unity, where we can practice the best medicine from a position of strength, with access to studies and data supporting these effective therapies. Thank you for having the vision, courage and energy to get the process started.
The course itself was almost overwhelming in the amount of information provided. I do believe a 5-day course is a better option. I would like to have spent a little more time on the cancer therapies, as I believe this is the area with which most of us are unfamiliar. Having access to and understanding of supportive measures in case of complications would make me feel more comfortable. All in all, though, the content and design was excellent. It was very valuable having our staff members there, learning from your staff members. It will take a unified and educated team to do the best work.
Again, please be assured of my sincere interest in this endeavor and my desire to contribute to its success. Thank you for spearheading the organization and providing the structure whereby we can make a difference in the health of this generation.
Dianne Farley-Jones, MD
Specialty - Family Practice
Location - Alpine, UT

Dear Dr. Buttar, Thank you very much for allowing me to attend and participate in the recent AMESAP seminar in Myrtle Beach , SC. It became the highlight of my 35 year medical career. It enlightened me to realize the wonderful new advancements available to our patients with chronic and debilitating conditions never before given hope for cures and recoveries. I plan to incorporate these new techniques into my current practice of Hyperbaric Medicine immediately. It was a fascinating group of Physicians who attended and offered to help me begin my journey into this wonderful practice of Medicine. Your lectures and presentations were dynamic and motivated all of the participants.
I would like to thank your staff for the kindness and helpful information they provided to my staff. Both my nurse and office manger are very anxious to implement these new procedures as soon as possible. The information you provided my staff will make it much easier to transition into this new era of Medicine. Thank you again for allowing me to be a part of this exciting new adventure into the medicine of the future. I would be very happy to share my knowledge about Hyperbaric Medicine with our group of Physicians.
Eddie Zant, MD
Specialty - Anesthesiology, Hyperbaric Medicine
Location - Ft. Walton Beach , FL

Dear Dr. Buttar, The AMESPA training seminar proved to be an opportunity of a lifetime. You have successfully crystallized the principles and practices of dozens of past and present medical geniuses and shown us how to incorporate them into our current practices. This alone is invaluable but you have delivered far more than you promised. The creation of AMESPA provides us with a priceless, growing network of diversely trained, highly knowledgeable, dedicated physicians with a unified vision to replace our current disease care with holistic, results-based health care.
We now have the physician, nursing, and administrative skills, the advantageous volume pricing, exclusive products, the continuing education, the organizational support, and the marketing to make this new medical paradigm materialize. This was readily apparent to all of us from the first day of the seminar. The excitement was and is palpable.
I am convinced that AMESPA will succeed far beyond our current imaginations. Thank you for the years of preparation that made this all possible. I am eager to work together. We and our patients have everything to gain.
Best regards,
Brian N. Vonk, MD
Specialty - Cardiology, Interventional Radiology
Location - Lansing , MI
In late April 2005, I had the opportunity to attend the four-day tutorial presented by AMESPA and the Centers for Advanced Medicine. Dr. Rashid Buttar gave all but one of the presentations.
The course was aggressive, rigorous and well organized, providing a large amount of material in the form of both lectures and text (which were provided). Through this course, Dr. Buttar is facilitating progression to the "next level" of medical care with emphasis on preventive medicine, age management considerations, complementary approaches, and providing the procedures to start accomplishing these goals. He has organized the Centers for Advanced Medicine to disseminate this type of dynamic information and to establish a degree of quality control.
I would strongly recommend this highly intense 5 day tutorial to anyone who is truly interested in and dedicated to patient care and to the optimization of patient care at a time when patient resources in traditional medicine are being progressively compromised.
It is important to realize that this tutorial is "a work in progress" - a beginning, if you will, to think outside of the proverbial box of mediocrity in medical practice. The approach is exciting, but will require much dedication and hard work but will also be handsomely rewarded. To those with this type of dedication and commitment, I strongly recommend this course.
Specialty - Hematology, Oncology, Immunology
Location - Memphis , TN

Dear Rashid, Words cannot express the gratitude and appreciation I have toward you and your staff for the outstanding conference you organized, and that I was privileged to attend. When I first heard you speak last October at the recertification course for the American Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology, I was quite thrilled to hear you speak of theories that I have known to be true since I made the switch from standard Family Practice to what I know is Real Medicine, 9 years ago. You speak with authority and conviction. I am very impressed with your scientific approach, your attention to detail, and the way that you listen to your heart. You are a true visionary. I am even more impressed by how you openly give honor to God and give Him credit for everything. All of us underestimate the power of prayer. I am excited to be part of a growing network of clinics practicing Advanced Medicine. The conference in Myrtle Beach is by far the best I have ever attended and I feel that I now have the right tools to go full-steam ahead with effective treatment protocols for difficult- to-treat conditions. I appreciated very much that the registration for the conference was limited to about 20-25 doctors plus their staff. The smaller size allowed us to actually meet everyone which increased the exchange of ideas in a non-threatening format. As well, the number of meals provided exceeded the usual, and this also helped to create an atmosphere for friendly exchange of ideas. Having a social event where physicians and staff could mingle was appreciated. I must say that I have never been to a conference where so many key reference books and syllabi were given to the attendees. I told your staff that next time, instead of a carrying case, you may have to provide an extra suitcase to transport all of the reading material home. This was my first time visiting Myrtle Beach and the setting was truly spectacular. I was able to get out on the beach several times each day. Rashid, thank you once again for a job well done and for your excellent work. I remain,
Yours Sincerely,
John Cline, MD, BSc
Specialty - Family Practice, Integrative Medicine
Location - Nanaimo , British Columbia , Canada
Dear Rashid,
While returning home from your conference, I kept seeing the faces of some of my patients. Both, ones that I had lost and ones that had gone elsewhere just because I didn’t know what to do for them. I remember feeling both frustrated and perplexed when I was seeing them, wishing that there was something else that I could do to help. Like many of us in medicine, I had been searching for the answers but they were not easy in coming. Finally, with your help, I have found some of the missing pieces to the puzzle.
When seeing a patient, you have to know who the patient is—their predisposition for disease. You also have to know what normal physiology is and willingly consider as possible disease etiologies, a range of problems that traditionally has been completely overlooked. Then, you have to know what to do to treat those problems. You were very effective at presenting the framework for the diagnostic and treatment approach as well as the details of the treatment protocols that you have found helpful. The volume of information that you put together was indicative of a huge time commitment and a passion for sharing your knowledge with the rest of us. . I thought the case presentations with the interactive portion where you asked each of us what we would do and our rationale for doing it was very helpful. Learning the IRR procedure and the unique allergy approach both were invaluable.
Thank you, Rashid, for your dedication to a much larger cause than your individual success. Through the detailed clinical information that you provided, along with the business principles and protocols that you taught, you have given us all of the tools necessary to become financially independent without interference from insurance companies, and the ability to once again practice medicine with a passion for helping people.
Best regards,
Michael R. Bernui, DO
Specialty - Family Practice
Location - Hendersonville, TN

Dr. Buttar
I attended the AMESPA conference in July, 2005 with skepticism. However, at the conclusion of the conference, my mind has been changed completely. Here are the reasons:
- The materials are well-organized and printed out in their entirety.
- There are six thick manuals detailing everything one needs to know regarding operating an office dedicated to the practice of this advanced concept of medicine-from what the physician needs to know, what nursing needs to know, to what the front desk and coding clerk need to know. Everything is completely spelled out. There is no guesswork.
- Dr. Buttar is very knowledgeable. His enthusiasm is contagious, his dedication is clear and convincing, and his genuineness, a breath of fresh air.
- All the staff is very helpful and enthusiastic.
- The administrator was very personable and made us feel very much at home. She took care of all the details.
- I am able to make use of one of the trans-dermal products for arthritic pain immediately upon return. My patients are astounded by the near miraculous results. I have never seen any medication work so fast and so well.
- The only complaint I have is that the conference is too short.
K.C. Hung, MD
Specialty - Family Practice, Geriatrics, Aesthetics & Age-Management Medicine
Location - San Diego, CA